Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Happy Sunday Everyone! 

If you are not familiar with Sunday Sketches, just head over and visit our lovely and talented hostess Sophia at Blue Chair Diary.  Or if you are feeling sketchy, grab a pencil and share what you've been
sketching with us!  Don't forget to link up over at Sophia's place!

The above is the progress I've made on last week's sketch. She is still not finished, but I am happy with how she is turning out!  She makes me smile and smile!  My daughter loves the colors and so do I!

And this lovely lady just appeared this week in my 'just for fun' sketchbook - She is dedicated to
Miss Tammie over at Beauty Flows because she reminds me of Tammie somehow...perhaps the gentle expression on this lovely butterfly's face...Funny because we both drew / painted ladies
with green hair this week!

I am still enjoying very much sketching just for fun, no pressure!  Wish I had started a sketchbook like this long ago ~ I can see why so many of you like it!

We have had a quiet weekend here; several of the kids are away for a couple days, and we have enjoyed the quiet and calm atmosphere!  I hope you have all had a wonderful week and are
enjoying a relaxing Sunday.

Hugs and Smiles



batsick said...

Love that drawing that you did! Here's mine

Marlene said...

Hi Julia, Enjoy your peace and quiet. You lady is gorgeous as usual, I love the purple eyes. The butterfly girl is stunning. I wish I could find my sketchbook it just seems to have vanished.

Reflections said...

Stunning pieces as always. I love your ladies.

Deanna said...

Julia, she is looking fantastic! I love her colors as well. Very fun and whimsical. You're so talented!

Hannah said...

Beautiful. I love the detail in your work.

Unknown said...

Beautiful as always....

WrightStuff said...

The colours are full of Spring and just lovely! I'm feeling a little better thank goodness. Really hope that it is finally on the way out. Still coughing a bit though :(

Helen said...

Beautiful and colourful - love it!

jywheeler said...

The detail is beautiful. I love the faces on your pretty.

Heather said...

Beautiful COLORS, Julia, I love them, too! Tammie is so sweet, I am sure she will love that this gorgeous lady of yours is inspired by her!!!
Thanks again for all of your well wishes and birthday thoughts! You are a dear bloggy friend! I am happy to know you! Glad you are getting some good relaxing time this deserve it! xo - hugs

Fallingladies said...

very pretty lady!

Sinderella's Studio said...

as usual, your ladys are mezmorizing!
cheers, dana

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the beautiful spring like colors in this!

Debbie said...

I love your girls and really enjoy seeing them each week! Keep them coming! xoxo

PurestGreen said...

She is just lovely. I always enjoy your sketch posts because it is obvious how much joy you take in it. :)

Wanda's Wings said...

You do such lovely ladies.

Shayla said...

I'd love to go to a gallery and see your work in it. You have your own style that is different from everyone else's.

Kristin Dudish said...

I'm lovin' all the green haired ladies I'm seeing! (I guess it's true when they say great minds think alike!)


Morph Waffle said...

Your first piece is very pretty, love the colors, really like the round pretties on the strings and the second piece is lovely as well.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh I love how she has evolved!!!

Teri said...

Oh yes, she is turning into a beautiful woman!

Tammie Lee said...

dear Julia,
I love your new piece, she is so lovely and her eyes hold sweet light. The mandala like ornaments are quite sweet hanging around her.

It just dawned on me, not only did we both do lime haired ladies, but two pieced I have done in the past week were ladies, the first has her eyes closed and she is dreaming of spring and listening to the butterflies sing. The second is awake: listening to the butterflies sing. So we had much in common this week. so fun. I am entirely honored that you would think of me with this entirely lovely and sweet piece. I love how you have wings wrapped around her.

much love,

lissa said...

looking very good, love the colors as well, very cheerful

hope you have a great sunday.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

All of your art just makes me smile; gorgeous as always Julia. Glad you've had a peaceful few days, it always recharges our batteries, especially as parents. Have a great new week ahead.

Cheers ~ x Deb

Joni Nickrent said...

Beautiful Sketch..wonderful blog. Glad I found your from your link at Sunday Sketches!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia. Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. Love the colors going on in this girl. And you've got quite the portfolio built up with a very unique style. I just love seeing other artists work. Happy Spring!

xoxo Valerie

Christine said...

gorgeous ladies, such beautiful spring colours Julia!

Rebecca Anthony said...

Your work is so beautiful Julia! The details in that top piece are now even more detailed than before.................gorgeous!! There is something about detail, I just can't seem to get enough. I'm glad you've had a peaceful weekend(O:

Julia Christie said...

Thank you all for such wonderful comments! You make my Sundays so incredibly special! I cannot say enough times how much it means to me to share art with so many talented people every week!

Smiles and hugs!

Ces Adorio said...

Julia, she is beautiful. The details are incredible. How long did it take you to draw her?

Julia Christie said...

This piece has about 5-6 hours into it and just a bit more to go. Thanks again for all the lovely encouraging comments!


pinkglitterfae said...

Julia your girls are so darling! Love your use of color, everything about these sketches make me happy.
I wish I could keep a sketch book, mine is only pencil, and rough sketches only. Seeing your work makes me want to change that. How great would this be to look though many years from now?

glad you could enjoy a quiet weekend

GalleryJuana said...

I love your use of colors! Thanks for giving us a peek at your wips.
Thanks for the ss visit.