Friday, April 23, 2010

Sunday Sketches

I am gone for the weekend so had to post this extra early.

It's another in a series I am doing. I am not sure if I will add color to this one or not...I just love the black and white.

On another note...reservations are completed and we are on the early international sailing to Victoria BC! Two nites of fun AWAY from home! Yeah!

Smiles everyone! Hopefully I can steal my daughter's laptop and so be able to visit all of my favorite Sunday Sketches while away!


Cate said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! One of my all time faves of Shel Silversteen's!!!

lissa said...

I love these tree series, I think they have such lovely lines and shapes

PurestGreen said...

Beautiful sketch - you are one talented lady.

I spent a year living on Vancouver Island and never went to Victoria. Silly. Have a great time!

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, I love Victoria! Have fun, have fun, have fun!

Millie said...

Julia as someone who couldn't draw her way out of a paper bag, I so admire your lovely work. Hope your time away was ab fab!
Millie ^_^

Heather said...

I love this sketch! You do great things with pen and paper!!!!
I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend on your trip!
Thanks for your kind words about my IF post! They made me happy!!!

Tammie Lee said...

How wonderful to know you are off on a journey! Wishing you a grand time. Hoping that the weather is perfect.
Your trees are wonderful! It will be fun to see each one.

pinkglitterfae said...

I can't tell you how much I just love this image! What a magical tree you created!

Have a wonderful time in Victoria!

Andrea said...

I really love this one. I think perhaps if you add colour to it it should be on another copy...
Hope Victoria was good to you all!
Have a great week, full of inspiration, Julia Christie!

Unknown said...

I love this tree!! I just sit and stare at it...there are so many little intricate things to see. I really like the black and white.
Beautiful work!

EVA said...

What a great tree! With such beautiful gifts!

I agree with everyone that I'd love to see it is colour too!

And the one for Sophia is beautiful!

Annette Q said...

Oh wow! Just seen the close up and I love it. What a beautiful tree with such important words :-)

Julia Christie said...

thank you everyone for your kind words! These two were particularly fun to do because they just flowed out of me...there was no struggle. I love when that happens with my art.

Now on to more writing!


Unknown said...

oh this is wonderful work!!! I love this sketch!!