
Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Sitting at my office window looking out at the grey grey sky and feeling INADEQUATE.
Normally I handle the highwire juggling act that is my life fairly well I think. Today...not so much.

I suppose when you do cram as many things as possible up tight together into a frantic collage of activities every day, something is bound to give.

Why, I wonder, does it all have to give at once?

In trying to juggle the bookkeeping for our business, looking for reliable childcare where I feel comfortable leaving my precious children, trying to maintain my 'sexy lexy' persona for my wonderful mate, and supporting the projects, homework, and hunger pains of five children, I am having a LOST day.

An 'I don't even know where to start' day.

I think I'll just have another cuppa coffee, maybe a slice of cinnamon toast, and sit on the floor and play with my boys...

Have you ever felt inadequate in your relationships, in your life, like you just can't cover all the bases?


  1. ~oh you are not alone!! chin up and i think your plan for the day is just what you may be needing...relaxing and simply playing...all the rest will still be there when you are ready to take a stand again...being a wife, mother, bookkeeper, friend ect fills us with many things we feel we NEED to accomplish...sometimes we need to just BE...nothing more...and absorb the silence for a minute...we are all human and can only handle so much before we start feeling overwhelmed or the pull that maybe we need to strive harder...enjoy that cup and cinnamon toast and be like minded as your sons today and just play...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

    ps...thank you so for your side bar little post...i adore your tree and think it is very fitting for the name!

  2. Hang in there! Things are bound to get better! It is hard to juggle all the commitments but just get to the most important things and everything else can wait until tomorrow. I hope things start looking up soon!

  3. Have i even NOT is more like it.
    I think it's just that kind of day today. I'll be happy when my boys get home from school, too. :)

    Glad you like the prints.

  4. I don't think you could call yourself human if you didn't have days like this! It's all part and parr, I'm afraid!
    But alas, rise above! Accept it as a challenge, focus on one thing at a time! Make lists, be creative each day....find positive outlets!
    Enjoy your kids!
    That's what I do ... and it's working for me!

    and don't forget the most important thing...

    C O L O U R !!!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina was here!


  5. your collage is overflowing~ be gentle with yourself, the one thing we can count on is that everything will change over and over again. and yes of course I have felt inadequate... sitting on the floor with your boys sounds like a wonderful thing to do... I lean my heart towards you.

  6. Oh are in the thick of it...some days just go that way...ackk trying to balance it all. Breathe and are surrounded by lots of us Moms and we all understand and are supporting you up!!
    Sending hugs and calm to you hon!!
    Hugs and breathe, Sarah

  7. Thanks all for the supportive comments...A little tlc for mama today - that's the order of the day!

  8. Oh I know how you feel, I'm having a bit of that at the moment, I'm feeling overwhelmed right now with plans for our trip and before we go we have to pack the house up for renovations plus my art is starting to take off and I'm so inspired to create but it's not the right time. I don't know where to start with it all. Plus when I'm doing things that take me away from the kids I start to feel guilty, I can't win. I think the only thing to do at these times is to take a time out and a deep breath and tackle one thing at a time!Phew! :0) It is comforting to know that I'm not the only one out there that feels like this at times!! We aren't super human and I think we have to remember that sometimes. Have a good tlc day today I think it sounds like the best idea!!! :0) x

  9. I do know exactly what you mean! I have been dropping the ball left and right here lately. Just crazy and distracted and overwhelmed. So... Here I sit - blogging; saying hello; taking a moment for myself. Hello, friend.

  10. Firstly, how spooky - I am reading this while drinking coffee and eating cinnamon toast...
    Anyway - of course you are not alone my friend. I go through this all the time and I only have one child! Sometimes I feel pulled in so many directions that I end up just standing there in a fug of confusion! Taking a moment for yourself is just the tlc you need.
    By the way - the link to that challenge is - sorry I forgot to add my links!!

  11. Hell yes! And by the way, congrats on your daughter's book, that is so wonderful!!!

  12. Yeah, I pretty much feel like that almost everyday - you did just the right thing Julia, sit down and play with the boys - I hope it made you feel better! As much as I love how independent my kids are now, I really miss those days of tossing everything aside and just making a fort in the living room or playing "Thomas the tank engine" - we've still got all the trains & track!

    Make sure to take a few moments for yourself too. The last two weeks I've felt like nothing was going right and I couldn't DO anything right. I had to put everything aside and just work on what I could - what ever you can put aside that can wait, try to and come back to it with fresh eyes.

    Thanks for your bday wishes, and hang in there, you're a great mom and a wonderful artist!

  13. Everyday...
    However I don't do nearly as much as you!
    Be kind to yourself. Perhaps more treats for you!

  14. My last week was an awful lot of this, feeling crappy & terribly inadequate. Thankfully, things turned for the better tomorrow. Hoping the vista of possibility remains through the weekend.
