
Monday, April 30, 2012


Had to share some pics of our trip yesterday to gather wood...

We spent all day Sunday woodgetting...

 Craig ran the big chainsaw and I moved as many of the rounds as I could...We had to move many of them together as they were too big and heavy to get into the truck with one person.  I ran the small chainsaw for just a little bit cutting up tootsie rolls - small limbs - but when it cut out for the second time I decided to leave it to the expert! :-)

Lumberjack!  I love this picture!

 My sissy who is a state park ranger and Liam - We got a woodcutting permit for the state park my sissy works at and were able to cut up some trees that had come down in a storm.  Isn't liam cute - he worked soooo hard!
                               Liam making it happen!                                                              
                                                                                                 Eamonn, 3-1/2 yrs old - So cute                                                           

Little worker bees asleep on the ride home from the park :-)

Working together to gather wood for next winter is one of my favorite things to do - We learn so much about each other as a family when we go out each year and team up to provide for our family.  I think there are few things as truly satisfying as working hard and then sitting back and enjoying the fruits of your labor...

We just missed the rain too!  It started back up early last night just after we were finished.

We were all tuckered out by the time it got dark, so we did the only reasonable thing...

Snuggled up next to a cosy fire!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another week and exciting news!

Big news!  My oldest son Jordan has proposed and been accepted by his lovely girlfriend of five years! This is the first of my children to be getting married and I am so happy for them! Above are the custom invitations I just finished for a little engagement BBQ we are having to get both families together and just celebrate their engagement.  Fun!

Love this new yard flag!  So cheerful!   Last weekend Craig built this raised bed for us and we planted tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, and carrots.  Yumm!  The kids are so excited!  We also planted three blueberry plants, and I planted peonies, dahlias, daisies, and petunias. So fun to add color to the garden!

A special pie to say thank you to my sweetie for all the hard work building us a raised bed!

My sissy took ALL the kids out for the day hiking...and...

To a local farm to see the animals.  Above she is with Vidal, Liam, and Eamonn.
Silly Liam attempting to reason with the goat. :-)

                 Big sissy Amira with Eamonn  and Liam      

Love the expression on Eamonn's face - They serve humongous ice cream cones at the farm the kids went to - Looks like a brain freeze to me!

 Liam with his bucket and rake...On a mission no doubt!  I love the colors in this picture!

A little spot to enjoy the yard we created for the kids.  They love it!

Isn't this pretty!  Liam won this at a raffle at his preschool and we put it near his 
chair in the garden so he could watch the birds!

Not much going on in the art department these days, but I am full of ideas for my novel so I may be posting another chapter soon at my other blog Serendipity - The Novel.  If you haven't popped over there to read some, please do and I love to get feedback!

Life is busy, fun and ummmm...busy!  But I'm so looking forward to this summer and all the wonderful adventures we will be having.  
How is your Spring progressing?  We continue to get a lot of rain, but we've had three sunny weekends in a row and we can't argue with that here in Washington!!!

Smiles to you all!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Scenes from the week...

Had these two Smile Campaign Tshirts made - I love the colors, just wish the graphic was a bit larger...

My idea is to sell these for $16.00 - They cost me $12.50.  Then I will donate 100% of the profit to a local charity that works with kids!  I'm hoping to get this going by this summer's Arts Festival here in town.

Playing around with wood rounds...

Working in the yard with the whole family this past Sunday was amazing...We did a massive cleanup on the water feature part of our landscape, which is quite large, and turned the stream pumps back on - lots of cleanup of algae etc, but the frogs kept the kids hopping while we raked out lots of debris, etc.
It was really just a heavenly day, and we didn't want it to end~

Liam with his gloves and rake helping out...He LOVES to work with Mama and Papa!

Vidal Hamming for the camera...Of course!

A couple days ago, we all traipsed down to the local hardware store after dinner 
and purchased Vidal his first pocket knife.
To say he was excited is really an understatement!  He just loved it!!!  Sat whittling a stick, well several sticks, for quite a while as the rest of us set up the new tetherball and played a few games. 
Another lovely evening!

                                        Yummy cupcakes for the family...

I taught my first mini baking class and really loved it - had two young mothers over and they learned how to make cinnamon rolls
from scratch.  These are their rolls slathered in cinnamon icing!  YUM!
I just loved sharing my love of baking with them and they had some really
great recipes to share with me too!

Overall a really wonderful week!  I am now headed out to plant some more perrenials and annuals, look for a spot for my new strawberry and blueberry plants, and just savor the day with my little men!  This weekend I get to look forward to putting in a raised bed for some veggies for the family.  The kids just go wild for growing food and Liam, aged 4-1/2, keeps asking me every time I buy a plant if it's a 'food' plant! 

Life is lovely.

I hope you are all out in the Spring, jumping into this lovely time of year with both feet, and really enjoying yourselves.
And of course, I hope you are S M I L I N G!

My favorite quote this week:  Liam says:  "Mama. You're the kind of Mama I always wanted."  Oh this is the highest praise a Mama can get and I am still riding the cloud!  :-)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Smile campaign contest!

Yes I am having a little Smile Campaign contest! 
If you have followed my blog for very long, you know I have had this pet project on the back burner called the 'Smile Campaign'.  It's basically based on the premise that we all need to smile more and that wonderful things can happen when we choose to share a smile with a stranger.

These are two of the campaign illustrations for putting on tshirts that I have mocked up - the top one is watercolor and ink, and the bottom one is colored pencils and ink.  Different looks and I'd like your feedback on which of the designs I will be sharing over the next few days you like most.  After I finally settle on one, I will have a giveaway of a Tshirt featuring (you guessed it!)
a Smile Campaign tshirt with the winning art!
I already had this image put on lime green and hot pink tshirts for my girls - It turned out really cute, but I wanted to simplify the design a bit so I am working on doing that with the ideas above.  Fun!

Love to hear your feedback!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Oh yes I am finally done with this piece!!!

Yeah!!!  I am finally done with this massive piece!  The final size is 3ft x 4 ft!!! She turned out soooo lovely though!  I am still going to have a background photo-shopped behind her.  I am thinking about a piece of teastained linen...What do you think?  Then I will have her printed on canvas, embelish her and hopefully hang her in Starbucks here in town.  Exciting!!

After spending so long on the piece above, I just wanted to have fun.  These are pics of a cute little window charm I made out of wood rounds - I got the idea from a picture Amalia shared of an Etsy item...They are so colorful and I just love how they turned out. I made several with messages like 'I love you', 'believe', and 'yes you can'.  Drilled a hole (with much help!) and strung them all together with colorful beads in between each one, then hung this in my kitchen window ~ it makes me smile everytime I look at it!  Fun!

Pictures of the boys...

Beautiful PEACEFUL Eamonn...I assure you these are the sweetest moments with this little dynamo!  He is in the 'I'm going to disagree with everything you say based simply on my principles' stage.  Yikes he can be challenging!  But one look at this sweet face and I just melt :-)

Liam and his "Are you kidding me?" glare...

Eamonn, now 3-1/2, falls asleep quite often on his dinner chair...This was the night we made pot roast and he took one look at his plate and promptly curled up and fell asleep...
Hmmmm... not sure what to make of that! :-)

Oh yes...been baking again...These California berries were
too luscious to pass up and I was so yearning for a cobbler
so made one for my boys this weekend.
Oh it turned out sooo yummy.  Not as good as going out
and picking the berries fresh, but with the vanilla bean ice cream on top
we managed to make do :-)

Wondering how Spring is going for you all?  We are still getting lots of wind and rain here, but we did have a little clearing this weekend so the boys could get outside for a bit.  We've had lots of colds and flu and cabin fever has been roaring it's head!  It was nice to bundle up and get some fresh air and just turn our faces up to the sun!

Hugs and smiles to you all!

I'll be around to visit soon!